Testing the motoscope pro

motoscope pro

In forehand to carrying out the test please check the firmware version of your device. If the firmware is older than 2.34 there might be problems with some devices (e.g. settings are not saved). The setup menu can only be reached if the display shows SPEED in the lower part of the device.

Speed indication
  • Red cable to +12V and black cable to ground.
  • The Device should initialize/boot now.
  • In the Setup-Menü: param. CIRC to 2000 and ImpW to 1 or ‚Reset all‘.
  • To navigate through the setup tap the green cable against ground.
  • To enter the setup menu change the display to SPEED. Then tap and hold the green cable against ground for 4 seconds to open the menu.
  • Exit the setup menu. The display SPEED should be already set.
  • Now tap the white cable against ground/plus.
  • A velocity should be shown
    --> If there is no velocity shown while carrying out the test the device might be defective.
Tachometer (RPM)
  • Red cable to +12V and black cable to ground.
  • Change the display to SPEED by tapping the green cable against ground.
  • Tap the yellow cable against ground. (as fast as possible).
  • A velocity should be shown.
  • If there is no velocity shown while carrying out the test the device might be defective.
Breakout bBox
  • First the Red cable to +12V and then the black cable to ground.
  • The Device should initialize/boot now.
  • Connect Breakout Box Red cable to +12V and black cable to negative.
  • Connect the orange cable of the motoscope pro to BUS of the breakout box.
    -->Note: motoscope and Breakout box should be connected to the same ground/negative.
  • Check the firmware version of the breakout box at the setting SYSTEM.
  • To reach the setting tap the green cable against ground. To open up the setup-menu the lower display must show SPEED and the green cable is held against ground to for 4 sec.
  • Now navigate to SYSTEM -> Version bob. There you should find the serial number. If 0.00bob is shown the box is defective.

If the firmware version is shown please check the inputs referring to 15.3 in the user manual.
To do so, tap the inputs against +12V/ground and check the motoscope for results.

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