If the device doesn‘t power on it is most likely defective.
Speed indication
Red cable to +12V & and black cable to ground.
The device should initialize/boot now
You can reach the setup-menu by switching the display to SPEED and holding the green cable for >3 Sec. against ground
In the Setup-Menu: param. CIRC to 2000 and ImpW to 1 or ‚Reset all‘.
To navigate through the setup, tap the green cable against ground.
For more information consult the manual
Exit the Setup menu and change the display to SPEED
Tap the white cable against ground (as fast as possible).
If the device shows a velocity it is ground active --> If there is no velocity shown please check whether it is a plus-active device.
To check that, tap the white cable against +12V (as fast as possible), --> If the device shows a velocity it is plus-active and the speed sensor must be connected to serve that condition.
The correct connection schematics can be found in the manual. --> If there is no velocity shown while carrying out both test the speed input might be defective.
Tachometer (RPM)
Power on motoscope mini (Red cable to +12V & and black cable to ground)
You can reach the setup-menu by switching the display to SPEED and holding the greencable for >3 Sec. against ground
In the Setup-Menü Param: ImpE to 1 or ‚Reset all‘.
To navigate through the setup-menu tap the green cable against ground.
Exit the setup menu and change the display to RPM.
Tap the yellow cable against ground. (as fast as possible). --> If there are no RPM displayed the device might be defective.
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